2024 Keynote Speaker

2024 EnviroDay Keynote Speaker – Dr. Anita M. Stone Marshall

Dr. Anita M. Stone Marshall primarily researches Geoscience Education, though she has published exciting research in volcano geophysics. Currently positioned at the University of Florida, she focuses on academic and social engagement in geoscience learning environments, aiming to break down barriers to participation for underserved groups in STEM. A heavy emphasis of her research focuses on improving inclusion and career pathways for people with disabilities in the geosciences. Dr. Marshall notes on her website (referencing the National Science Foundation), that “the geosciences produce the least number of graduates with disabilities of all STEM disciplines.” To combat this, Dr. Marshall pioneered an accessible field camp, the GeoSPACE Project (PI, NSF Award #2023124). Students here are enabled, regardless of their disability status, to participate in planetary geology research.

Dr. Marshall’s research provides an essential point of view for informing graduate students and professors alike about accessible teaching, as well as encourage creative and innovative problem solving in their research. In addition to her generating her own impactful research, Dr. Marshall is the co-PI for the ASCEND Research Coordination Network (NSF Award #2037271). ASCEND collaborates with dozens of scientific societies, spearheading the movement to bring about awareness of barriers and strive for change within the discipline of geosciences.

Check out Dr. Marshall’s research website and learn a bit about our 2024 EnviroDay speaker by clicking here!